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NWNC Business Assistance

Find the resources you need to connect you to specialists and professionals in all areas of business development; including financial management, legal support, marketing, and much more.

Native Technical Assistance Program (TAP)

Fostering Indigenous Prosperity: Igniting Success for Native Entrepreneurs

The Native Technical Assistance Program (Native TAP) is a specialized initiative designed to offer no-cost technical assistance to Native, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian individuals, businesses, and communities in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Native TAP is dedicated to working with all members of the community to advance the educational and economic opportunities for Natives in the Greater Pacific Northwest.

Businesses and individuals participating in the Native TAP are eligible to access our culturally responsive and vetted Professional Service Provider (PSP) Network at no cost which include legal services, accounting & bookkeeping support, credit coaching, tax preparation, human resource support, marketing & design, and more! Our PSP Network is made up of Native, Black, Indigenous, and POC businesses supporting your entrepreneurial journey.

To participate in the program, contact us today via our participation form, or by scheduling a 1-on-1 info session with our resource navigators to learn about our programs and services designed to support businesses from startup through advanced growth.

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Native Enterprise

NWNC 's focus on Native Enterprise helps Natives engage actively in our economy.

This initiative seeks to foster comprehensive programs, services, training, technical assistance, and legal support to existing and emerging Native entrepreneurs in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.

The NE Coalition Project is a full year of programming, offered in cohorts for group support and improved learning. It begins with the programs of our initial partners, and their suite of programs. These have been placed on a continuum of enterprise development, from initial exploration to preparing for startup funding.

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