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Nimiipuu Community Development Fund
Nimiipuu Community Development Fund is committed to enhancing the financial prosperity of individuals and families. We provide loans and development services geared towards constructing personal assets and fostering wealth. Our coaching, training, and asset-building initiatives cater to Nez Perce Tribal members and individuals residing in or around our reservation, spanning across Washington, Idaho, and Oregon. Nimiipuu Fund operates as a Native 501(c)(3) nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI). Dedicated to fostering equitable economies in Native communities, Native CDFIs play a vital role in providing loans, extending credit to thriving businesses, creating employment opportunities, offering culturally competent financial coaching, and broadening access to new prospects. These institutions establish trust, cultivate robust community relationships, and promote self-determination, aiding Native communities in overcoming challenges related to credit access and asset building within economic systems that have historically neglected their needs. Native CDFIs serve as catalysts for opportunity, providing accessible funding to resourceful and resilient communities in Indian Country. Through strategic partnerships, funding initiatives, and network development, they contribute to sustained prosperity and shared opportunities for all.